Uterine Transplantation: Clinical and Ethical Aspects

11 from June 2021 from 18:30 to 19:30

Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)

In person (by prior registration)

One of the pioneering techniques for the treatment of female infertility, specifically in the case of the absence of a uterus, would be uterine transplantation from a living donor, which would then allow pregnancy to develop. This highly complex technique is still experimental and cannot be universally extrapolated to the clinical setting. It should be noted, however, that it has been successfully performed in our city, specifically at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.

However, it is a type of intervention that is not free of ethical questions that must be put on the table, given that it implies a donor with a reasonable compatibility, who accepts the altruistic nature of this donation and the voluntary limitation of her own fertility to benefit the recipient. All this entails an obvious emotional and psychological impact for the donor and the recipient. This intervention coexists with other options that also seek to fulfill the desire for motherhood, and these must also be considered.

In this activity we propose, therefore, to reflect on all these issues and to discuss them with the audience.

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Núria Terribas i Sala,
Joaquim Calaf i Alsina,
Francisco Carmona Herrera
Diana Guerra Díaz
Please note:

This activity will take place in the auditorium of the PRBB.

Also of interest