Science and Life (Conversations and People)

08 from June 2021 from 18:00 to 19:30

IE Rec Comtal - Ramon Berenguer III School courtyard

In person (by prior registration)

The social environments where science is generated, disseminated and implemented do not usually coincide. This is particularly relevant in the social sciences, where the object of study is human behaviour.

It is common that the groups under study do not come to know the same product of the research and, therefore, do not apply the knowledge that these same groups have generated in their lives and strategies (someone wrote: "what would happen if plants read botany books?").

Science and life proposes to maintain a conversation between the researchers and the researched ones in their territory, challenging their own knowledge and above all offering it to the people who most deserve its benefit. They will talk about inequality, how people with fewer resources defend themselves in difficult situations like the current one, and how political behaviour is affected by socioeconomic differences.


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