Oriol Nel·lo
Geographer and politician specialized in urban studies and land use planning
PhD in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and Master in International Affairs from John Hopkins University. He has been director of the Institute of Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB), member of the Parliament of Catalonia and secretary for Territorial Planning of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
He is a full member of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC) and professor in the Department of Geography at the UAB, where he directs the research group on Energy, Territory and Society (GURB), as well as president of the Advisory Council of the Barcelona Neighborhood Plan. His lines of research deal with metropolitan processes, residential segregation and urban policies.
Among his most recent books we can highlight: Efecto barrio. Segregación residencial, desigualdad social y políticas urbanas en las grandes ciudades ibéricas (2021), La città di Pasqual Maragall (2019), Barrios y crisis. Crisis económica, segregación urbana e innovación social en Cataluña (2018 with I. Blanco), Cities in the 21st century (2016, with R. Mele) and La ciudad en movimiento. Crisis social y respuesta ciudadana (2015).