Elena Roura

Nutritionist, Technical Director of the Alícia Foundation

Graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and in Food Science and Technology. PhD by the University of Barcelona (UB) at the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology of the Faculty of Pharmacy. She has worked as a researcher in nutrition and food bromatology focusing on antioxidants in natural foods. She has been a dietitian at Hospital del Mar and Hospital de la Cruz Roja in Barcelona and a technician in health and nutrition for the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Andorra, obtaining a postgraduate degree in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Lleida (UdL). She has worked as a lecturer in Nutrition and Food Science at the Faculty of Pharmacy. She has been working at the Alícia Foundation since 2005 and is currently responsible for its Health and Eating Habits Department.

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