David Jou
Physicist and poet
Retired Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and member of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC). His scientific research has been devoted to the foundations and applications of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, especially in fast processes, highly miniaturized systems, and superfluids with quantum turbulence. He has also published a wide range of poetry and essays, with more than thirty titles, in which he explores the bridges between science, humanism and religion, and formal poetic research inspired by forms of nature.
Among his books we can mention, in poetry, Las escrituras del Universo (Poemas sobre ciencia), Poemas sobre ciencia y fe, Poemas sobre Sicilia y Venecia, and in essays Poesía del infinito (Ciencia y mística), Introducción al mundo cuántico, Dios, cosmos, caos (Horizontes del diálogo entre ciencia y religión), El laberinto del tiempo and Cerebro y universo (dos cosmologías).