Xavier Sevillano
The titular professor in the Research Group on Media Technologies, where he leads the research activities in image processing and computer vision. His research focuses on the digital processing of biomedical images and artificial learning applied to multimedia signals and data. In 2011 he was a visiting researcher at the Multimedia & Vision Research Group, Queen Mary University of London. He has taken part in research projects and technological transfer in the fields of human biology with the Centre for Genomic Regulation, and plant biology with the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics.
Activities it participates in
Type a
Performing arts, music and film
Sat 09 Feb | 18:30 h
Rosa M. Alsina-Pagès, Mara Dierssen, Raquel Ros, Xavier Sevillano, Eduard Resina
Palau de la Música Catalana
Biennal Programme
From 7th to 11th of February
Activities that will be live streamed