Aquest país no descobert que no deixa tornar de les seves fronteres cap dels seus viatgers
- When
- 08 from June 2021 from 20:00 to 21:50
- Where
- Type
- In person (by prior registration)
(This undiscovered country that does not let any of its travelers return from its borders)
"They proposed me to make a show about death and we came out with a show about individualism, neoliberalism, the family, the immaterial, humanity, the group, existentialism, survival, friendship, love.... We have come up with a show about life".
The playwright and actress Alba Pujol talks with her father, professor of Economic History, during her last cycle of chemotherapy. The death drive leads us to life. An adaptation of the transcriptions of these conversations in which Cioran, Shakespeare, Lacan, Gil de Biedma, the Cohen brothers, Dr. Benito, Eugenio and Peter Handke accompany us on the journey.
Artistic data
- Author and director: Àlex Rigola
- Performers: Alba Pujol i Pep Cruz.
- Dramaturgy consultant: Dobrin Plamenov, Alba Pujol i Irene Vicente.
- A coproduction of: Sala Beckett, Titus Andrònic, SL, Heartbreak Hotel and Temporada Alta 2019.
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