Mercè Renom i Pulit
PhD in History by the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), she is a member of the research group Labour, Institutions and Gender of the University of Barcelona (UB) and of the European Labour History Network (ELHN).
Her professional activity, in its last stage, was developed within the Center for Contemporary History of Catalonia, of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In 2016, she was editor of the collective work, Providing Barcelona: the municipality and the feeding of the city, 1329-1930, Barcelona: Museum of History of Barcelona, Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona. This publication is part of one of the MUHBA's lines of research and dissemination, in this case focused on food and health in cities, an interdisciplinary project that has had other expressions in seminars and conferences.
Among its lines of research are the study of food supply and urban food policies, as well as conflicts and social movements, with a gender perspective, mainly between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries.