Barcelona Cultura
2024-12-19 11:14:46


The communication of science has traditionally faced the challenge of getting knowledge over to more people. How can new channels and languages that have emerged in digital environments help us to overcome these limitations?

We shall consider this issue in two round tables: “Doing and explaining science” and “New languages for new audiences”. Two complementary discussions to reflect on the limitations of traditional scientific communication, understand the new channels of information and their ability to reach new audiences, and imagine how science can be explained to the citizens in an attractive and understandable way. Moderating the first table is the journalist and teacher Milagros Pérez Oliva and the second, Elena Freixa, a journalist in charge of the “Societat” section in the newspaper Ara.


11 February 2019
17:00 - 21:00

Places are limited to the space available