Marina Garcés

A philosopher and professor of Philosophy at the Open University of Catalonia, her work focuses on the sphere of politics, critical thinking and the need to articulate a philosophical voice capable of asking questions and commitment. She is the author of the non-fiction books A Common World (2013), Unfinished Philosophy (2015) and New Radical Illustration (2017), the winner of a City of Barcelona Prize in 2018. She has also published the collection of her articles in the newspaper Ara entitled Fora de classe. Textos de filosofia de guerrilla (2016). Her latest book is Ciutat Princesa (2018), a book of personal and collective political memoirs, where she also looks at the recent history of Barcelona.
Activities it participates in
Mon 11 Feb | 18:30 h
Marina Garcés, Joana Moll, Mónica Rikić, Júlia Borràs, Pastora Martínez Samper